The Board of Directors & Senior Management
Knights & Bishops ® is a Registered Trade Mark of Knights & Bishops HR Private Limited. The company conducts its business in India and abroad under this registered trademark.
Knight & Bishops HR Private Limited is a company registered under The Company Act, 1956 of India.
The company comprises the following Board of Directors & the Senior Management Team:

S.C.Kalia, Director, has over 26 years of experience in handling Human Resource in the Corporate world. He is an alumnus of five universities and institutes, namely, S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Banaras Hindu University, Hindu College (Delhi University), Garhwal University and National Insitute of Personnel Management.
He served as Vice President (Human Resource), Elf Lubricants India, a French MNC and a part of the oil major TOTAL Group. Earlier, he was the Head of Human Resource in SAW Pipes, Jindal Group besides serving in ONGC and Indian Express Newspapers.

Deepika Sharma, Director, is one of the Founder Director of Knights & Bishops ®. Her academic excellence as a Law graduate includes securing a Gold Medal as the University topper of Garhwal University. She has a proven long track record of managing corporate affairs and general administration. She is working as a Director of Knights & Bishops since 2006.

Mayank Thakker, Senior Consultant, at Knights & Bishops ® is a specialist headhunter. His domain knowledge of insurance and chemical sector blends well with his recruitment skills. His understanding of the nuances of recruitment has helped in developing a strong base of satisfied clients.
Laxmi Nair, Senior Consultant, at Knights & Bishops ® is a specialist in Business Development and recruitment. Her finesse in interacting with the clients and candidates ensures that the search process evolves in a seamless manner.